Empowering administrators, and teachers to not only participate in MTSS and Special Education systems, but to improve them for the benefit of all students.

Closing achievement gaps and improving school culture is possible.
It takes consistently using a well thought-out framework to achieve.

I am Jessica Curtis

I have taught in 4 states, including both general and special education grades kinder through 12th. I have taught common core standards, and worked with a schools implementing RTI for the first time. I have used progress monitoring and RTI principles for over a decade in every classroom setting. 

My extensive classroom experience allows me to provide real-world suggestions and training to teachers and administrators dedicated to improving student outcomes. 

As a military spouse, I have had the opportunity to explore the education systems of various states and counties. I’m aware of the struggles students face when moving from school to school, and how widening skill gaps negatively impact students and schools.

Today, I use this experience to help teachers, schools, and districts to implement and maintain a sustainable framework dedicated to closing achievement gaps, increasing student progress, and improving school cultures. 

I look forward to working with you in the future!

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